Tomorrow we leave for Gothenburg and stay there until Saturday, and Saturday night we're back! Pictures from Gothenburg will be up as soon as we can. Only one more day until the weekend here in Sweden, hold out people!
Peace xxxx
The opposite of the weather in Sweden right now? TOTALLY!!
UPDATE FROM GOTHENBURG: Having lot's of fun. Pizza and Let's Dance yesterday=perfect! Today we might be going to Universeum! First time for us, fun fun! :) Pictures when we get back. Love
Morning Y'all!
As you might have noticed, there's a little box on the right that's called "Bloggsvar" (Blog Questions). If you ever have a question about something, go ahead and ask it in that little box, and press " Fråga mig" (Ask me)!
Later Folks! xx
Okay, heres a todays outfit worn by A!
Silky top- Dubai, Tights- Gina Tricot, Necklace- South Africa, Black nail polish- N-bar (Dubai)
See you tomorrow! xxxx
Up Close
We took this picture about 5 days ago. These kinds of deers usually don't come up close to people, but this one did! It was like it was posing for us, turning its head to the left and then to right. Turning sideways and holding its head high. Pretty cool! Believe it or not, we've never seen one of these deers before, haha! There aren't many of them in sunny Dubai! ;)
Later Alligator! XOXO
Yesterday our aunt, uncle, and little 4 year old cousin bought a chihuahua!! We LOVE chihuahuas. They are the cutest little things. The chihuahua they bought is white, and its little face and tiny ears are kind of pink. Its adorable.
We can't wait until we can dress it up in cool clothes, haha!
Do you like chihuahuas?
In Dubai lots of people had chihuahuas. A lot of our friends did, too. Some chihuahuas wore Gucci, Chanel, Fendi, and Dior clothes.. lucky them, huh? ;D
Our aunt, uncle, and cousin's chihuahua, cute as a button!
Haha, how cool wouldn't it be to dress your chihuahua something like this? (+the camouflague shirt is great since the dad is in the army!!)
Maesalama! xxx
Oh, and keep asking questions (we're having a little question time/frågestund now)! There will be an entry about Dubai soon.. so keep checking in!
Oh no!
The header says it all.. OH NO! A's computer is broken. The same thing has happened once before and we're going to try to fix it! We thought that we were very lucky to have J's computer so we could still keep bloging, BUT then we discovered that the internet didn't work on her computer.. just our luck again! We were lucky to be able to use our grandpa's computer to tell you guys this, so please hold out and we'll be back as soon as we can!! It will hopefully only be a couple of days..
Lets say that while we won't be bloging too much, you can ask us any questions you like!
Lot's of love, A and J
Chips + Guacamole + Candy + Coca Cola = Melodifestival Time!!
We're hoping that we'll be impressed tonight. We don't want to feel disappointed like last time... haha!
Te amo guapos/guapas xx
UPDATE: The songs were a little bit better this time than last time.. let's hope it'll be even better next week!!
What was your favorite song tonight?
Just our luck
Yesterday was super great until we found out that camera was out of battery, just our luck, eh?
Anyways, here is a picuture of our lovely breakfast this morning :)
2 knäckebröd (hard bread), muesli with fil (a kind of yoghurt), keso (cottage cheese), O'boy (hot chocolate), and 2 different kinds of cookies to celebrate the first day of our break!!
(The break we have right now is called 'sportlov' its a kind of winter break)
Be back later XXX
Looooveee XXX
A little more dieting yesterday, haha!
Serioulsy, Swedish candy has to be the best candy in this entire universe. That (and Swedish pizza) are one of the few things that we missed about Sweden when we lived in Dubai.
Hasta luego! xxx
This is the life
Dieting last weekend while watching Melodifestivalen! (Which in turn was a big disappointment..)
Which was your favorite song?
Kiss and Tell
Hey again!
Just before I leave, I wanted to say that we have gotten a little feedback of what you guys want to read/know about Dubai, life in Dubai, the differences about Dubai and Sweden, etc. Here’s what one person wrote:
Do you agree? Anything else you want to read about or add on to this…?
Thanks XOXOX
That Summer Feeling
Right now we want summer, because summer brings flowers, greeness, sun, a little warmth, swimming, parties, no school, biking, and friends. There are a bazillion bajillion more things, we just can't name them all! We mean, whats not to like about summer!
What do you like about summer?
Thats another thing thats very different about living here in Sweden; there are 4 seasons. In Dubai we had winter and summer, but the winter was like a Swedish summer. About 25 degrees celsius during the day. Not a winter like this one, with 15 centimeters of snow on the ground! I think we can both for our part say that we wouldn't mind skipping having 4 seasons. 2 is fine with us!
P.S. Please keep telling us what you want to read more about on our blog. More about life in Dubai, more about the differences of Sweden and Dubai..? You name it, your wish is our command!
Love love love
Hey you!
Sorry for the very bad update. There are so many things going on right now, school, friends, family..
We're going to try to get better at updating. Well, our weekend has been great! Friday evening we went to our friend's restaurant. It was "taco night." Yum! Right next to the restaurant is the disco and a football gala was being held there. As curious as we all were, we went to check it out. There was dancing, singing, eating, drinking, and awards being handed out! Exciting.
Pictures from the footballs gala
Before we go, we have one question to ask;
What do you want to read about more on our blog? (More about Dubai, fashion, life in Sweden, the differences about living in Dubai and Sweden?)
Later alligator XXX
Today we came home from school, did the oh-so-little homework that we had, and then our 4 year old cousin came over. We had to babysit her while her mom went to the hairdresser. It's so fun being in Sweden and seeing her grow up! We love how friends and family can just drop by. There's no need to cram in a time when we can all get together. Love, love, love.
Nighty night, don't let the bed bugs bite! xxxx
The 2 cakes we ate yesterday.
99 Years and Still Going.
Today our great grandmother turned 99 years old! Hipp Hipp Hurray; happy birthday Dagmar!
The day was celebrated by going to the elderly home where she lives, and eating cake. Two cakes to be precise. Pictures of them might be up tomorrow. It's so great to be able to go visit family whever you feel like it. That was one of the not so good things about living in Dubai. You couldn't be with your family and friends to celebrate special holidays, birthdays, or anniversaries...
Do you guys know the author of the Pippi Longstocking books, Astrid Lindgren? Well, we think that our great grandmother, Dagmar, and Astrid Lindgren are very much alike. What do you think?
Left: Astrid Lindgren, Right: Our great grandmother, Dagmar
Can you see the resemblance?
See you after school tomorrow! XXXX