99 Years and Still Going.


Today our great grandmother turned 99 years old! Hipp Hipp Hurray; happy birthday Dagmar!
The day was celebrated by going to the elderly home where she lives, and eating cake. Two cakes to be precise. Pictures of them might be up tomorrow. It's so great to be able to go visit family whever you feel like it. That was one of the not so good things about living in Dubai. You couldn't be with your family and friends to celebrate special holidays, birthdays, or anniversaries...
Do you guys know the author of the Pippi Longstocking books, Astrid Lindgren? Well, we think that our great grandmother, Dagmar, and Astrid Lindgren are very much alike. What do you think?

Left: Astrid Lindgren, Right: Our great grandmother, Dagmar

Can you see the resemblance?

See you after school tomorrow! XXXX

Postat av: Therese - Bloggar fran Dubai!

Dom var faktiskt jattelika :) Sa sott!

2010-01-25 @ 11:45:20
URL: http://trollungeidubai.blogg.se/
Postat av: Therese - Bloggar fran Dubai!

Nu har svaren till fragestunden kommit upp :D


2010-01-25 @ 13:14:31
URL: http://trollungeidubai.blogg.se/

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