We have a new category! Dubai Fast Facts. Here you will be able to find interesting, random, short facts about Dubai. If you want an answer to a specific question, comment and ask it, or write in the little "bloggsvar" box on your right!

-Dubai is the fastest growing city in the world.

-Eighty percent of the residents of Dubai are foreigners.

-On an average, one in every five people buys five pieces of gold jewellery every year in Dubai.

-In Mall of the Emirates, you can shop, then suddenly decide you want to ski, and ski indoors on the world's third largest ski slope that measures 400 meters and has 6000 tons of snow.

-The worlds largest horses can be found in Dubai.

-Amazingly, you will not see street addresses in Dubai.

-Dubai gets around 13 cm of rain each year!

There! Some quick and random Dubai facts.

Latero Cheerio. xxx

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