Hey you!
Sorry for the very bad update. There are so many things going on right now, school, friends, family..
We're going to try to get better at updating. Well, our weekend has been great! Friday evening we went to our friend's restaurant. It was "taco night." Yum! Right next to the restaurant is the disco and a football gala was being held there. As curious as we all were, we went to check it out. There was dancing, singing, eating, drinking, and awards being handed out! Exciting.
Pictures from the footballs gala
Before we go, we have one question to ask;
What do you want to read about more on our blog? (More about Dubai, fashion, life in Sweden, the differences about living in Dubai and Sweden?)
Later alligator XXX
Vill börja med att säga att ni har en jättefin blogg och keep up the good work. Jag skulle vilja att ni skrev lite mer om hur er vardag såg ut i Dubai och jämför det lite med er vardag här hemma i Sverige, lite för och nackdelar och skillnaden mellan att gå i skolan i Sverige > Dubai.